Life-Ennobling Design is a growing community of curious practitioners. Many of us are yearning for a different way of living. By centering design in our response, we are hoping to create new connections, conversations and possibilities. We expect our audience to be mainly designers at first, but the invitation to join and co-create this community extends to anyone who is interested.

A boundary object refers to something that can connect ideas across diverse contexts, creating a shared identity and purpose, whilst remaining malleable to specific contexts. An important quality of a boundary object is that it encourages coordination rather than consensus

We find ourselves in challenging times and although we all experience things differently there are many overlaps. Perhaps you are:

A designer interested in how you might use your craft in service of life?

A designer who feels like design is no longer a force for good?

A designer frustrated by the lack of paid non-commercial work?

A designer curious how other designers are experiencing the AI explosion?

How are you feeling about your work in the context of the polycrisis? Is there something you are particularly frustrated or worried about? Or something you would be curious to explore with others? We can only guess who our audience might be, so please let us know who you are and we will add your voices to this page:

We understand this website as a boundary object. By this we mean that it will evolve as diverse voices and areas of interest intersect, whilst providing an overall purpose and structure for the conversation. If anything you find here strikes a chord then you are warmly invited to respond, join an event, propose an opportunity for collaboration, or make a suggestion for a future output. The LED Community will first and foremost be a space for open, respectful conversation with a commitment to trying things in practice. We have everything to learn from each other and we are intrigued to see what happens.