
The economy of design: 
The potential of design under different economic worldviews

In this 2-day workshop we will unpack how design shapes (and is itself shaped by) the systems that it is embedded in. Starting from design in our current extractive economy we will look at the systemic drivers and outcomes that design interfaces with. Building on these insights we will think together how design could be used to repattern the deep layers of our economic systems. By positioning design in its diverse formats as a positive cultural energy, we will explore how a new profession can be understood from within the existing one. 

Workshop outline

We get to know each other. Martin and Emily will open the conversation with their own professional journeys to this point. Emily will reflect on moving from holding international CFO positions to working for a not-for-profit organisation and Martin from working as a communication designer for major players like NIKE, IBM and Google to becoming a conversational designer for Dark Matter Labs. 

We will look at the Matrix that Dark Matter Labs uses to plan and visualise its economic change work. As a design focused organisation, how are we thinking about interacting with technical areas of the system such as finance and law? What kind of projects do we work on and how do we weave between different geographies and contexts? How do we set goals that are both possible and aspirational? 


Have you ever accepted a design brief that made you uncomfortable or that you didn’t really agree with in some way? Of course there are situations where you cannot influence a client, but in many cases there is an opportunity to shape what happens, if you can clearly articulate your reservations and ideas. We will look at a logical framework for linking outputs of design to common societal problems, the possible deep drivers and opportunities to shift this dynamic. 

Application to your context

Taking an example that relates to your own work, you will look at what you were being asked to do as a designer and then map out some possible systemic drivers and outcomes. Using these insights, you will then create a strategy to illustrate your concern to the client and propose an alternative approach. The goal of this workshop is to give you the tools to provoke change. 

For whom is this workshop? 

This workshop is for designers from all disciplines. It will be particularly interesting for designers who are worried about the future of the profession and would like to regain a sense of purpose in their work.

The conversational hosts

The workshop will be hosted by Martin Lorenz and Emily Harris but will draw on the wide experience of the Dark Matter Lab Ecosystem. 

Martin Lorenz, PhD is the Conversational Design Lead at Dark Matter Labs. He holds a B.A. in Graphic and Typographic Design from the Royal Academy of Arts (KABK) in The Hague, Netherlands and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Design Research from the University of Barcelona, Spain. He is the co-founder of TwoPoints.Net, and Coding Systems. Martin has taught Design since 2003 at over a dozen design schools around the world. His book Flexible Visual Systems has been published in English (5th edition), Spanish (2nd edition) and Japanese (1st edition). 

Emily Harris, FCA is the Next Economics Lab Lead at Dark Matter Labs. She is a Chartered Accountant and a Fellow of the ICAEW. She also holds an MA in Regenerative Economics (Distinction) from Schumacher College and a BSc in Medical Sciences from Imperial College. Completing her training with Deloitte in London, she was a manager in their Big Ticket Restructuring Team during the 2008 global financial crisis, before moving on to hold international CFO positions.


June (Exact dates to be defined once we reach 15 participants.)

The workshops will be held online with no specialist equipment required. 

200€ (We have set the costs of the workshop at a very low price to make it accessible. We invite additional contributions if you would like to support the continuation of the LED initiative.)

To register your interest please send us an email to and